The PAW Seminar

This interdisciplinary seminar is taught either in the fall or spring term, addressing a variety of topics relevant to the ancient world and emphasizing the techniques and methodologies of the fields involved.

Past seminars have included History and Art in the Age of Augustus, Introduction to the Study of Judaism in Late Antiquity, Transformation of Reality in Late Classical Greek Art, The World of Learning in Late Antiquity, Roman Historical Reliefs, Sparta and the Peloponnese, and Center and Region in the Ancient Mediterranean: North Africa and Sicily. The Program Seminar has recently been part of the Princeton-Oxford Exchange Program. As such the subject is chosen by the steering committee of the Exchange Program (2023-2024: “Non-Citizenship and Exploitation in the Ancient World.”). Parallel seminars at each institution meet each year in early January for three days alternating between the two institutions. The students deliver papers and lead discussion of the topic with minimal faculty participation.

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