Graduate Study


Students should apply to the department that coincides best with their backgrounds and their prospective areas of specialization, and they should indicate an interest in the interdepartmental program at the time of their application to that department. The requirements for the individual departments appear in the pertinent sections of the catalog.

Course of Study

Program students are expected to fulfill the requirements of the home department, but their course of study is modified to allow for interdisciplinary work through classes, examinations, and guidance by faculty in several departments.

Language Requirements

Applicants should possess a strong background in at least one ancient and one modern language. Prior to the general examinations all students will have demonstrated proficiency in two appropriate ancient languages and two appropriate modern languages, to be determined in consultation with the student’s advisor.

Material Culture Requirement

Every member of the program should acquire experience in the interpretation of non-written, material evidence from antiquity. This is normally done through participation in field archaeology, but may be accomplished through a variety of alternatives. Students are also urged to participate in the program’s extensive series of lectures, colloquia, and informal discussions.

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