Course Requirements

Program Seminar

Program students usually take the Program Seminar in the first year of study. Offered each year, the seminar is normally a team-taught class sponsored by two of the cooperating departments. Specific topics vary, but each Program Seminar has significant interdisciplinary and comparative dimensions emphasizing the methodologies and techniques of the fields involved. Students must also take two additional seminars outside their home departments and are strongly encouraged to continue seminar work after completing their general examinations.

Field Trip

Every year, the Program Seminar, or PAW Seminar, includes a one-week field trip that takes place during the Fall Break, after the first six weeks of the fall term. The trip targets an area in the Mediterranean that is of especial relevance to the Seminar of that year. Areas visited include the Peloponnese, Sicily, Israel, Egypt, and Spain. The faculty members who direct the seminar are in charge of organizing and leading the field trip, usually relying on specialists of the several areas to lead the group in the field.  The fall 2023 class traveled to the Baetica (Southern Spain), visiting Madrid, Córdoba, Seville, Ronda, and Granada.

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