Calendar of Events

209 Scheide Caldwell

What is slave agency and how did it affect the history of ancient societies?

Kostas Vlassopoulos

Program in the Ancient World
209 Scheide Caldwell

Refounding Sikyon: the creation of a monumental landscape

Yannis Lolos

Program in the Ancient World
A71 Louis A. Simpson Int'l Building

Ordinary People, Everyday Lives ∙ Exploring the Mundane in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Medieval Studies Graduate Conference
209 Scheide Caldwell

‘A sad view of how pagans felt about their neighbors’: New evidence for magical practices in Carthage

Celia Sánchez Natalías

Program in the Ancient World
103 Scheide Caldwell House Princeton, United States

Recent Research at Mt. Lykaion and the Creation of the Parrhasian Heritage Park of the Peloponnesos

David Gilman Romano, Ph.D.

Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies
209 Scheide Caldwell

Qualis artifex pereo! Nero the Great Contriver

Serena Connolly, Rutgers University

Program in the Ancient World
A17 Julis Romo Rabinowitz washington road, Princeton

Ancient Egypt within its North-East African context

Professor John Baines

Program in the Ancient World
A71 Louis A. Simpson Int'l Building

Living in a city. Population resilience and adaptation in pre-industrial urban settings (300 BC – AD 1500)

Christina Papageorgopoulou

Department of Art & Archaeology Art 401 guest lecture
209 Scheide Caldwell

From Science to Narrative: Pottery Production and Social Dynamics in Archaic Rome

Mattia D'Acri

Program in the Ancient World
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