Ancient World Research and Tools in Synergy
Mark Depauw KU Leuven
November 14, 2017 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · 010 East Pyne
Program in the Ancient World and Center for Digital Humanities

“To use tools well, we must, in some real sense, understand them better than the tool maker. The best kind of tools are therefore the ones that we make ourselves.” Dennis Tenen, Debates in DH 2016
Starting from the example of Trismegistos (www.trismegistos.org), this talk will discuss how digital tools are transforming antiquity research. Heuristics used to be the most time-consuming task of the scholar, but are increasingly a matter of a few mouse-clicks. This implies that scholars of the ancient world will have more time to do what lies at the core of the humanities: asking questions and study ancient society and culture critically. On the other hand some of these new questions can only be answered by developing new tools.